I had been having problems with my lower back and my neck and shoulders for several years and had seen various physicians – osteopaths, physios etc. By the beginning of this year I was seeing a physiotherapist every week but one week when my aches and pains were particularly bad I asked if he thought I would have the aches forever and he said probably and that it was down to wear and tear. I felt totally wretched and then decided that I wasn’t going to accept that. I decided that seeing a physio was more about treating the symptoms each week and not the cause and so I decided that I would try and find a personal trainer to see if they might be able to help me with some exercises that would help with my aches and pains. I had been doing pilates classes for a few years and so wanted to find a personal trainer who also had an understanding of pilates/yoga based exercises.
I found Sara online and liked her website and the testimonials that I read. I contacted Sara by email and she replied the same day and we also had a chat on the phone. Sara has been amazing – she is extremely sympathetic and really wants to help with the issues that you have. She is extremely professional and knowledgeable and does a lot of research to make sure that she is setting exercises to help with the particular problem. I have been attending regular one to one classes with Sara for nearly a year, which I thoroughly enjoy and can honestly say that, although I do still have an occasional flare up, my back has been so much better. Sara gives me a workout sheet with exercises on it to do in between our lessons which I love doing. Sara is such a friendly, lovely lady and very generous with her time – I’m so pleased that I found her. She has given me so many different exercises to help with my back, next and shoulders and given me a lot of hope as opposed to the despair I felt at the beginning of the year. I thoroughly recommend Sara.